So Christmas is fast approaching and if, like me, you are on a weight loss journey then you may be wondering how to maintain it during the festive season. I thought I would share with you a few hints and tips and tips that I have found to work.
Try to think ahead and plan what you will eat. If you are at home for Christmas then it is relatively easy. You can control the portion size for your Christmas dinner. Snacking can be a big downfall for many of us so, if you are at home, make sure you have some healthy alternatives available to eat. If guests see you are eating then they won't put pressure on you to indulge in treats like mince pies and brandy butter. My book Fitter Thinner Happier - Recipes To Help You Improve Your Life, has lots of low calorie cakes and snacks. It's available on Amazon now so why not treat yourself to an early Christmas present that really will help with your preparation. I'm definitely planning to do some baking myself!
Keep Control
If you are going to someone else's house for Christmas dinner then you may be dreading getting a plate piled high with food. If you get to serve yourself at the table then it's easy, just choose extra veg to hide the fact that you might be going easy on the roast potatoes. If your host/hostess prefers to bring dinner to the table already served then simply offer to help them serve up. This gives you the chance to dish up your own plate and retain control over your portion size. I used to do this all the time with my ex mother in law as she simply didn't understand the concept of dieting and would spend our whole visit trying to stuff us with good.
Party Time
Parties are a time to let your hair down and have fun but you can do this without completely blowing your diet. I tend to choose a drink such as vodka and diet lemonade which is relatively low in calories. The trick is then to alternate the glasses of vodka with glasses of just lemonade or sparkling warer People won't know the difference and as long as they see you with a glass in your hand, you won't be pressured into drinking.
Party food is generally not kind to dieters. I tend to dive for salad with dips and chicken. This is rather sad but I have been known for take a couple of healthy snacks in my bag and sit and eat them in the toilet if I'm really desperate!
I also try and eat a good healthy, filling meal beforehand as I know I won't be so tempted to pick if I'm not too hungry. Finally make sure you position yourself away from the food. Fill up a small plate and then walk away. If you stand nearby to eat, it's too tempting to mindlessly pick at a buffet.
Don't forget it's actually possible to exercise at a party! Brush up on your best dance moves and get out on the dance floor. You could even manage to work off any overindulgences
Take a Timeout
If you think you won't be able to completely stick to your diet over the Christmas period then consider giving yourself a couple of days off so that you can eat and drink what you want. I'm considering doing this for Christmas Day and possibly Boxing Day this year. I know that I won't do too much damage to my weight over two days. It will stop me feeling guilty too. I wouldn't advise doing this for more than a couple of days though as you don't want it to become a habit.
Christmas doesn't last forever
However you cope with Christmas, it's important to remember that in a few days it will all be over. So even if you completely blow your diet, just remember why you started it in the first place, pick yourself up and make a fresh start. Treat it as a blip and just a slight detour in your weight loss journey.
Personally I will find Christmas quite easy this year. We will be at home the whole time but I might give myself Christmas Day off so I can enjoy a few extra treats.
Hope all your Christmas preparations are going well. Speak to you soon
Love Erica xxx