Saturday, 6 February 2016

It's the weekend - Get busy!

We all long for the weekend to get here with two days off work and the chance to relax. For dieters though, the weekend can bring particular problems. I find the fact that we are not in a routine difficult to deal with. Mealtimes can vary, you may not exercise as much as normal and if you are going out or even just watching tv on Saturday night, it can be deceptively easy to overindulge without realising it.

For me the thing that works is to throw myself into activities. I have my youngest daughter with me at weekends so exercise isn't easy but I will literally sit on a Friday night and plan both food and what we are actually doing over the weekend. I know this sounds quite boring but it works for me. In the past , while on Weightwatchers, I have been known to blow all my weekly points over the weekend. That's fine if it's a special occasion but not great when it happens every weekend! 

I have also adapted family weekend traditions to suit my diet. We always have pizza on Saturday night but now I make my own small one just for me and by using low fat mozzarella I can keep the points low. Roast dinner on a Sunday didn't really need any tweaking as it is vegetable heavy and therefore quite low in points.

This weekend hasn't required much planning though. I am going to watch my eldest daughter swim in a County championships at the Olympic pool in London and tomorrow my youngest daughter is in a cross country race in Essex. Hopefully all the running around will help with my weight loss too.

So whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope you enjoy it! Keep busy and have fun! Speak to you soon

Love Erica xxx

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