Saturday, 30 January 2016

Inspiration in the mud

Am just back from Hampstead Heath in North London where my youngest daughter ran this morning in the South of England Cross Country Championships. I just wanted to share with you how inspiring it was.

These were young kids running in very challenging circumstances (it was so muddy that we taped my daughter's spikes on) and the majority of them knew they did not have a chance of winning or even coming close. However they all tried their upmost to succeed whether it was for personal achievement, to win points for their team, for self improvement or simply for the sheer love of running!

It made me think that we should all have this sort of go for it attitude in our daily lives and just constantly give everything that we do all that we possibly can!

This is the start of the girls age 11-13 race.

In case you are interested, my daughter finished 213th and covered in mud but she was thoroughly delighted as she came in third place out of her team and scored points for them.

Speak to you soon

Love Erica xxx


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